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The Environmental-Cultural Union of Messenia aims, through the voluntary contribution of its members, to the Messenians' right to live in a clean and healthy environment.
Driven by the common good and with absolute respect for nature and man, the Environmental-Cultural Union of Messenia will help so that structural reforms and new technologies promote our cultural heritage, the sustainability and sustainable development of our place and develop with guarantees of environmental protection of which we are all an integral part.
The purposes of the Union are:
- Protecting the artificial and natural environment and ensuring the ecological balance concerning cultural values.
- The development of environmental and cultural knowledge and consciousness in Messinia, recognising it as a decisive factor in ensuring the quality of life, health and the right of citizens to a clean and healthy environment.
- The organisation and support of ecological, environmental and cultural activities in Messinia, as well as the participation in similar activities in the rest of the territory and abroad.
- The encouragement of actions that implement general ecological goals, such as the protection of the environment and the rational management of natural resources, the application of new technologies with guarantees for the environment and people, the use of alternative energy sources, soft technologies, the opposition in the use of chemicals, genetically modified organisms and uncontrolled development at the expense of the environment and the health of citizens.
- The creation of a cooperation and information network for the provision of technical, scientific and legal assistance to initiatives of a local nature, as well as the creation of an infrastructure to serve the above purposes.
- The intervention in the decisions concerning Messenia to protect the environment and the ecological balance, in general, creates the conditions for the sustainable development of our place.
- The intervention in public and municipal bodies is to defend the purposes of the Union.
- The mobilisation of residents, institutions and groups of citizens for all problems and issues of environmental interest by creating working groups, reflections, and proposals for their solution.
- The utilisation of any assistance that may arise from governmental, municipal, European and other authorities to proceed with projects that will implement environmental, ecological and cultural activities.
- The contribution to the spiritual, social, and moral promotion of the members of the Union and the residents of Messenia.
- The preservation and protection of the natural environment.
- Efforts for the ecological-environmental upgrade of Messenia.
- The cooperation of the Union with similar Unions of neighbouring regions, other cities and other countries.
- The purposes of the Union are implemented by all legal and appropriate means within the framework of the Statute and the decisions of the Plenary and the Coordinating Committee.
In particular with:
- The creation of working groups and committees with the subject of work issues concerning the citizens of Messenia.
- Organising events, speeches, debates, lectures, seminars, conferences, radio and television broadcasts.
- The cooperation with associations, organisations, environmental and social agencies, and private, state and local government organisations of all levels in Greece and abroad.
- The elaboration or commissioning of studies and research.
- The publication of newsletters, magazines and books.
- Creating a legal team that will deal with the study, support and promotion of the issues that will arise.
- Participation in ecological, environmental, cultural and developmental programmes organised by public or private bodies under non-profit conditions.
- The association's intervention in decision-making centres at the level of municipalities and regions to defend the interests of the residents of Messenia.
- the disclosure of our requests
- The creative presence of the Union on the Internet can be achieved by creating a website or blog and web radio to raise awareness of a more significant number of active members and friends.