MobiProject is a multidimensional concept. We could abstractly describe it as the digital thread that connects the experiences and needs of people with:
- history
- myths and tradition
- events
- sights
- local products
- the services offered
of every place and everything else that leaves an imprint on history but also our daily lives.
Everything is interconnected and interacts with each other and this is the actual experience that the visitors and the residents of the area want to experience. MobiProject is the digital capture of this experience enriched by the creation of information channels and extroversion of local activities and services.
It is the necessary tool in the hands of visitors and locals, and the use of mobiProject creates a unique experience.
MobiProject comes to unfold and reveal the area in the hands of the user. It covers every need and answers questions from
"What interesting things are there for me to see."
"How can I get there."
"Who will take me there" up to
"Where is the nearest open pharmacy" and
"I like the area. How can I settle here."
By digitising every component that characterises the area of action, mobiProject contributes to culture by highlighting and preserving its history and cultural heritage. At the same time, it creates culture through the quality and richness of its subjects and the innovative services offered, contributing to the transformation of the visitors' experience, equating it with that of a local.