Everything around us obeys an important natural law, that of decay. Even our most cherished things tend to eroded, rust, being destroyed or even lost ,though some of those things are too important to just disappear – with no trace left of them. Our Team has found a way to save and preserve those important memories, mostly because most of them are too important to be in the shadows or kept out of the public eye.As a result of that thought,we also saw ,with your permission of course, the opportunity to distribute that 'treasure' to all the Messinians ,and not only,Worldwide for all those whose love for this place is in line with their pride for the history and Culture accumulated in this beautiful Region.
Just fill in the form you see, you describe to us what it is you want to share, whether it's a recipe, a story, a photo, or anything you don't want to be lost or forgotten. If necessary, the editorial team of Messinia.mobi will contact you for the collection of any material, the digitization or for clarifications as your own treasure,before returning to you , will be made public with reference to your name (or an alias If this is selected).
Messinia.mobi is not responsible if someone tries to appropriating someone else's intellectual property, so anything you decide to share with us ,should strictly belong to you.