Association Of Friends Of Methoni's Castle

The Association of Friends of the Castle of Methoni was created in 2007.
● The promotion, preservation and protection of the cultural heritage and the natural environment of the broader region of Methoni Messenia.
● To take the initiative to raise public, competent authorities and media awareness for the design of restoration projects for the historical castle and make every effort to protect and promote the castle and all monuments of the wider region.
● Initiatives to support the mild and sustainable development of the wider area.
● Informing the Greek and foreign residents and visitors about the castle and other monuments of Methoni while spreading a spirit of solidarity, cooperation and friendly relations:
○ among the members of the association
○ with local clubs
○ with expatriate associations
○ with ecological, cultural and educational associations of the country and other countries, as well
● To promote the study and research on issues related to the goals of the Association as also the cultural exploitation of the castle and its related monuments of the wider region.
● The organisation and participation in training and information activities related to its purposes.