Kalamata Tourism School-Ι control my finances, Ι control my life.

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Successful financial life: the recipe, the ingredients, the execution.
What makes our relationship with money "delicious"?
Can everyone become the chef of their own life?
Ms. Angeliki Savvidou, a Business and economic development consultant, Founder of Finance Lady and co-founder of Financial Fitness, answers the above questions and more.
The following presentation and discussion will take place on Tuesday, December 3rd, 2024 (16:00-18:00), as part of the work of the 10th School of Tourism of Kalamata. It has FREE ADMISSION and is open to all.
Angeliki Savvidou is a Business and Financial Development Consultant. She is the founder of Finance Lady and a co-founder of Financial Fitness. She specialises in Financial Literacy and consulting on managing Personal Finances, which are directly related to people's quality of life and development.
She provides support services for entrepreneurs and individuals, with a main focus on financial sustainability. Her firm deals with financial crises and helps clients make financial decisions. She holds a business administration and organisation degree and professional finance certifications.
He believes that power lies in our people and that money is a tool; that is why we must learn how to use it. With this in mind, it provides financial literacy training to staff in corporate environments.
We must learn the way because we can all manage our finances.
Contact information:
phone 6977359540
mail: [email protected]