The "Efklis" Kalamata Hikers and Mountaineers Association-Sports Psychology Seminar

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Have you ever wondered why outdoor activities have a beneficial effect on our psychology?
Have you evaluated the impact of nature and the benefits of exercise on our innate skills (e.g., mental focus, stress management, mindfulness)?
Whatever the answer, we invite you to take part in the free Sports Psychology seminar, which will be organised by the "Efklis" Kalamata Hikers and Mountaineers Association in the event hall of the "Eleftheria" Newspaper on Wednesday, January 15th, 20,25 at 7:00 p.m. with keynote speakers:
_ Dourou Dimitra - Eleni, Psychologist - Sports Psychologist, MSc. She will talk to us about the "Training" of Psychological Skills
_ Malamas Georgios, certified Mountain Guide of H.M.G.A and E.O.O.A., Professor I.E.K. Mountain Companions. He will talk to us about Outdoor Activities.
In the seminar, we will learn about Psychological Skills that are essential in daily life, how they are strengthened through Hiking, Mountaineering, cycling and sports in general, and what Techniques help us evaluate them and make them "Durable".
The power of the collective (Group interaction – exchange of opinions) that will follow at the end of the seminar will unravel the "wrap" of reflection and ways of simplifying our lives.
The only things you should bring are your SMILE and your POSITIVE Mood!!