Re:Think/Foifa Natural Cultivation Farm-Kundalini Yoga on the Full Moon

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November Full Moon- Preparation for winter
On November 15th comes the "beaver moon". According to ancient Indian tradition, it is the time when beavers gather back in their nests, having stored enough food to see them through the winter. And we humans are slowly coming together. We move our actions from the outdoors to a more closed environment. We turn more inward. We clean, arrange, unpick, provide. We are preparing for winter.
On this day of the full moon, we meet at the welcoming space of Re-think Foifa Farm at 6:00 pm. Through Kundalini Yoga, we shield our body with a series of exercises that help us fight colds and strengthen the functions of digestion, excretion and the heart. We use Kundalini's expertise to build stamina and resistance to disease.
With this festive session, we inaugurate a series of Kundalini meetings inspired by and dedicated to the Full Moons of the year.
Where: Foifa Farm/Re-think, New Entrance, Kalamata
When: Friday, November 15th, at 6:00 pm.
Guided by: Froso Matsuka Seva Simran K.
Seat reservations are required. Call 6972-755079 or inbox F/B @Frosso Matsouka Seva Simran K for information and reservations.