Re:Think-Foifa Natural Farm/Group Life Coaching Sessions on Stress

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Session schedule:
1st meeting: Getting to know the members. We are building our sailboat. Let's have a good voyage!!!
2nd meeting: Activate our energy.
Discuss and understand stress with the "6 thinking hats" method. Three games inspired by this technique.
We are becoming a "pendulum"!
3rd meeting: Imitation, sound-pose. Discussion.
Visualising our dream life - understanding the beliefs that limit us from living it.
Playing "hide and seek".
4th meeting: Learning how to be present in the here and now!
Three games and a story... to understand how a "point of view" works.
It's an experiential-related game.
5th meeting: We are attracted like magnets. Discussion.
We find our strengths. Immediately afterwards, we put on the green hat and brainstorm ideas and solutions.
We say goodbye to the team by writing on our sailboat.
Valid for a limited number of seats. To reserve a seat, call: 6975775838, 2721022505
The cost of participation is 40 euros/session, which will last approximately 2-3 hours and concerns five meetings.