Keep Dancing at Kalamata Dance Megaron

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Keep Dancing, the series of workshops organised by the Kalamata International Dance Festival in collaboration with the Municipal School of Dance returns on the weekend of February 24th-25th with Gravity Play by Sotiria Koutsopetros.
The workshop will focus on using weight and examining how it affects our body and our movement in space. The transition from one movement to another will be explored, levers of the body will be identified, and there will be experimentation with their function in various planes and axes. In addition, the body-ground relationship and precision in the intention of movement and the bodily perception that can arise from it will be explored.
Workshop Programme
Saturday: 17:00-18:30 and 18:30-20:00
Sunday: 10:00-11:30 and 11:30-13:00
Participation fee: 10 euros (5 euros for Dance School students)
Registrations: 2721083086 (everyday, 16:00-20:00) [email protected]