A two-day event for professionals

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ELFEE MESSINIAS in cooperation with the Chamber of Messenia, the Bar Association of Kalamata, the Commercial Association of Kalamata, the OEVES of Messenia, the Catering Association of Messenia and the Association of Catering and Leisure Shops of Kalamata, is organising a TWO DAY Seminar with FREE Admission for everyone at the ELITE Hotel, which is addressed to both accountants and businesses, with the following topics:
Friday 23rd February 2024, Time 18:00
MyData The changes from 1.1.2024 and the applicable transmission times, methods of issuing and transmitting tax data, VAT declaration, Prefilling and "locking" of the declaration, etc.
Liable to POS and IRIS payment acceptance, non-liable – exceptions.
QR code obligation to indicate in the accounting data
What we pay attention to is the movements of professional accounts.
Issues and concerns that arise during imputed income calculation.
Speaker: Christos Krigas.
Mr Christos Krigas is a graduate of the School of Business Administration, University of the Aegean, specialising in Audit Accounting. He holds a master's degree from the University of Athens and an MBA in Accounting. He is certified in "Internal Audit" matters by the Hellenic Institute of Professional Internal Audit Systems "ELINESEE". He also specialises in the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) of the AIA. He is a tax consultant for the Athens Bar Association.
Saturday 24 February 2024, Time 11:00
Tax Audit of Business Activity | Indirect Control Methods
Speaker: George A. Koromilas
Accountant-Tax Technician, Business Consultant, Writer of accounting and tax books, Institute of Economic and Tax Studies President – Member of the standing committee for the support of the implementation and evaluation of Law 4308/2014.
Saturday 24th February 2024, Time 14:30
ERGANI II Information System and Digital Job Card
New Labour Bill based on N.5053/2023 Official Gazette A 158/26.09.2023
Application of Collective Labour Agreements of Food Stores based on the PK 11/13-06-2023
Guidelines for implementing articles of the 4808/2021 Law
Mandatory and optional holiday days on an annual basis
Additional work within weekly employment, part-time work, night work and overtime
Time limits of work and formation of employment programmes in stores
Time limits for exhausting leisure leave
Submission of permits based on the new Ergani II System
New Code of Individual Labour Law
Responsibilities of a security technician
Salary and salary increments due to seniority
Pensioners' insurance
Speaker: Nazos A. Athanasios Economist, MSc in Accounting and Auditing