International Day of People with Disabilities-Awareness Event

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In the context of celebrating the International Day of People with Disabilities on December 3rd, the Children and Adolescents with Autism Day Centre of Messenia and the Association of Parents, Guardians and Friends of People with Autism of Messenia, in collaboration with agencies and associations active in the field of disability, are organising a community awareness day for People with Disabilities.
The goals of the conference will be:
- The promotion of bodies-associations active in the field of disability in the wider region and their work.
- The awareness-information of the public regarding the benefits and rights of People with Disabilities.
- The connection and acquaintance between the agencies.
* Admission will be free for people with disabilities from the Educational Association.
* Interpretation will be done in sign language.
Tel: 27210-89978
E-mail: [email protected]
Day Center for Children and Adolescents with Autism N. Messinias, Association of Parents, Guardians and Friends of People with Autism N. Messinia