Bougas Schools-FUTURE CAREER. By building bridges, you connect roads

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Bougas Schools, with the support of the Municipality of Kalamata and the Chamber of Messenia, announce the holding of an innovative Career Guidance Forum entitled "FUTURE CAREER".
The event is aimed at students, parents, teachers and anyone interested in discovering the paths of the modern labour market. It will offer inspiration, knowledge and practical advice on making decisions and setting effective goals.
Event Programme
Topic A: Decision-Making and Labour Market
18:00 – 18:10: Opening of the Event
18:10 – 18:30: Decision Making and Goal Setting – Nikos Pavlakos, co-founder of Orientum
18:30 – 18:45: "Find your Truth" – Sotiris Lymberopoulos, Entrepreneur
18:45 – 18:55: "Job Shadowing at Bougas Schools" – Stavroula Kokkali, Economist - Educator
18:55 – 19:15: "The Secrets of an Interview… On Stage: Role Playing" – Dimitris Patriarcheas, General Secretary of the Messenian Hoteliers' Association,
19:15 – 19:30: Questions from the Audience & Break
B Topic: The 5th Lesson
19:30 – 20:15: "The SOS of Computer Science" – Stavroula Angelopoulou, Career Counselor - Orientum
20:15 – 20:30: Audience Questions & End
More information:
We look forward to your participation in this unique event for career guidance!