Bougas Schools-Kindergarten and Primary School Programme Presentation
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Come and get to know the Kindergarten and the learning environment created for your children by Bougas Schools!
At the meeting:
• Introduction to the programmes and benefits
• Information about the educational environment
• Tour of the Kindergarten premises
Register here:
Primary School Registration 2025-2026!
Every child deserves a unique path of knowledge!
At Bougas Schools, they create an environment that encourages discovery, creativity and the joy of learning!
A modern and friendly educational programme is offered, emphasising skill development, technology and the personal development of each student.
Registrations for the 2025-2026 school year have begun!
We invite you to an informational meeting with Ioanna Bougas, the primary school principal, on Wednesday, March 12th, at 7:30 PM. Learn about the programme, our values, and the environment in which your child will grow up!