Creative Documentary Centre-Le mie ragazze di carta

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This Monday brings Luca Luciani's film, "Le mie ragazze di Carta", as part of the tribute to contemporary Italian Cinema in collaboration with the AIAL Cultural Association and the Istituto Italiano di Cultura di Atene - Italian Educational Institute of Athens.
LE MIE RAGAZZE DI CARTA – Luca Luciani, 2022 (My paper girls)
The comedy "My Paper Girls" tells the story of two crucial phases in the lives of three teenagers: the transition from adolescence to preadolescence, between first loves and rugby games, and the transition from the slum to the city. We are at the end of the 1970s in Treviso, in a period of rapid urbanisation that also affects the Bottacin family, consisting of Primo, Anna and Tiberio. For them, especially young Tiberius, the transition from village life to an urban environment will be pretty tumultuous.
It is a narrative of a period of great social and economic transformation, where even cinemas, traditional places of social intercourse, were forced to turn to pornographic programmes to survive.
*The film is shown in the original language with Greek subtitles
Free admission (with a minimum consumption of 2 euros)