Psychodrama Retreat/Living Forward by Looking Back

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"Living forward by looking back."
"Life can only be understood backwards, but it must be lived forwards" - Soren Kierkegaard.
A journey into the world of psychodrama together with a trip into nature, into the group's life!
Coordinator: Ilianna Pessaris
Assistant coordinator: Dimitra Anastasiou
Psychotherapists specialising in psychodrama
Workshop schedule:
Friday: Arrival and the workshop's starting: 17:00 – 21:00 (4 hours)
Saturday: Psychodrama workshop: 10:00-13:30 and 17:00 – 20:30 (7 hours)
Sunday: Psychodrama workshop: 10:00-13:30 and 17:00 – 20:30 (7 hours)
Monday: Psychodrama workshop: 17:00 – 21:00 (4 hours)
Tuesday: workshop closing and departure: 11:30-15:30 (4 hours)
Economy Packages:
Total: €333 (workshop, accommodation and three brunch-style meals fee)
The package includes the following:
-the psychodrama workshop (27 hours of psychodrama)
-4 nights in a luxury tent with a mattress (Glamping)
-3 Brunch meals – optional – decided upon registration
-The estate has a shared kitchen for those who want to take care of their own meals. / The village is very close on foot and has everything for food.
Psychodrama workshop: €180 (with the possibility of 2-3 instalments).
Accommodation and brunch: €27 / day and €15 / brunch
Total stay: €153 with three brunch meals / €108 without meals
With the declaration of participation, 25% of the total cost is paid in advance and is not refundable in case of cancellation (unless the reason is significant)
Applications are until June 15th.
Information and declarations of participation:
Contact numbers: 693-8165911 (Ilianna) and 693-665192