Xenia Dance Club-The Contribution of Dance to a Child's Developmental Evolution

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The Xenia Dance Association opens a new collaboration with Child Psychologist Iro Diamantopoulos in the context of speeches—actions to ensure that parents receive the correct information on matters concerning children and parents.
It is aimed at ages from 3 years to adolescence.
It concerns parents who are members and non-members of the club.
So we welcome you to the first speech entitled: The Contribution of Dance to the Developmental Evolution of the Child & the Role of Teachers - Parents!
The speech will be held on Saturday, November 16, from 18:00 to 20:00, at the Association's premises, 32 Mavromichalis Street!
Iro Diamantopoulou, Clinical Psychologist - Children's Psychologist
Let's get to know each other and exchange opinions.
Register at 27210-93903 and [email protected]