Kalamata Tourism School-Manos Kentikelenis' Masterclasses

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Manos Kentikelenis, Sommelier, Wine & Beverage Consultant, and Founder of the Wineillusion Magazine, participates in the 10th Kalamata Tourism School, which takes place December 02-03-04 at the Elite Hotel, with three unique masterclasses.
1. Looking for why wines are different from each other, Tuesday, 03/12/2024, time 16:00-16:30
2. The Wine Service in the restaurant (Champagne & wine opening, Decanting - decanter cleaning, Durand Corkscrew (Durand opener), Sabrage (champagne opening with sword), Coravin system, Port tong opening, Tuesday, 03/12/24, time 17:45-19:00
3. Introduction to the world of Cigars (History-Production-Products-Service)
To participate, register at the link: https://meshfor.com/3mw3ufrq
Attendance is FREE to all, and a certificate of attendance will be provided.