New Kalamata Cinema-Tribute to Kafka

On the 100th anniversary of Franz Kafka's death, the Messenian Writers' Union and the New Cinema Club of Kalamata honour one of the 20th century's greatest writers in a unique, dedicative event.
"I am the end or the beginning," wrote Kafka in 1918. If we treat this as a question, the answer is ambiguous. Kafka was both an end to the extent that he belonged to a world lost in the maelstrom of totalitarianism and the Second World War. Still, he is also a beginning: a prominent and particularly influential form of modernism. After all, he is the only author whose name introduced a new term in many languages of the world and, of course, also in Greek. It is the term by which we describe the nightmarishly strange, the bleakly absurd. It is no coincidence that his work, most of which was left unfinished and characterised by an ironic, almost humorous look at the modern world, remains remarkably contemporary.
In 2024, the 100th anniversary of Kafka's death, the actions planned to honour this great writer aim not only to capture aspects of his work but also to be a springboard for artistic engagement with the enigmatic and fascinating Kafkaian universe.
Initially, the event will present and discuss the authorship of F. Kafka. At the same time, the musical composition Kafka's Dream by Maria Kotrotsou, the internationally renowned musician and composer, will be listened to in the first worldwide broadcast.
Maria Kotrotsou lives and works in Paris. She writes orchestral, neoclassical, electronic, and New Age music and has collaborated with well-known singers, composing songs for them. She has written music for cinema in France and China, as well as for performances in America.
Afterwards, the masterpiece film The Trial, directed by Orson Welles and based on Kafka's novel of the same title, will be screened.
The event is part of the activities for the Kafka Year, which are co-organised by the German Language and Literature, Music Studies, Theatre Studies, Digital Arts and Cinema Departments of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens and the Czech Centre of Athens, a cultural organisation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic in Athens, and will take place on Wednesday, April 10th at 8:00 p.m., at the Kalamata Labour Centre with free admission.
KAFKA 2024: End or Beginning
Time: 18:00
Thod. Aggelopoulos Amphitheatre, Kalamata Labour Centre
Admission Free