Experiential workshop-The Therapeutic dimension of Art

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We often hear that creativity and Art are essential in life. But why? What exactly happens when we create, engage with different materials, observe, and connect with our creation?
In the experiential workshop on "The Therapeutic Dimension of Art", participants will be able to observe and experience how Art can work therapeutically through experiential exercises, engagement with different visual materials, observation and coexistence with other group members.
The seminar is aimed at anyone interested in getting a taste of the world of art therapy and experiencing how the creative process can be a means of expressing feelings and thoughts, becoming a bridge between the inner and outer worlds and leading to paths of self-discovery and self-awareness.
Animator: Katerina Miliaresi
No prior art experience is required.
Workshop for adults.
Limited number of seats.
Information at 6951848757, Kleidona Zoi