Delinquent Behaviours and Juvenile Violence Phenomena

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Entry for the public will be free and without financial participation. At the end of the conference, attendance certificates will be given based on the morning registrations.
10.00 Arrival - registrations
10.30 Start
Welcome Presidents
Kalamata Bar Association
Kalamata Juvenile Protection Society
- 11.00 Opening speech: "Young little devils or immature criminals?".
Yannis Panousis, Professor Emeritus of Criminology.
- 11.30 First round table: "The reading of the delinquent behaviour of minors".
Coordination: Angeliki Malapetsas, Social worker, Head of Social Services at Kalamata Hospital, Member of the Council of the Peloponnese Regional Department of the Association of Social Workers of Greece.
"Teenagers who break the law, in search of identity, prestige and perspective. The bet on listening to their voice and understanding their needs".
Giorgos Moschos, Lawyer, former Children's Advocate, and Director of the Youth Participation Programme of the Initiative for the Mental Health of Children and Adolescents.
"Minors in Conflict with the Law: Perpetrators or Victims? Ambiguous dipoles, risk factors and complex pathways in the cycle of violence..."
Aphrodite Mallouchos, Juvenile Supervisor - Social Worker, PhD in Anti-Criminal Policy, Accredited Mediator of the Ministry of Justice, Systemic Couple & Family Counselor.
"Numerical and qualitative data on juvenile delinquency. Trends, concerns and findings".
Aggeliki Roumeliotou, Juvenile Court Clerk of Kalamata - Social Worker. Public Relations Officer of the Board of Directors of N.P.D.D. Association of Social Workers of Greece.
12.40 Short coffee break
13.00 Second round table: "The perspective of reparation"
Coordination: Aikaterini Dimaresis, Lawyer.
"Issues of delinquent behaviour in schools. The school as a 'significant other' in the life of the child at risk".
Elisavet Stathopoulos, MSc Teaching French, Philologist of Greek and French Philology, Principal of Paralia Kalamata High School.
"The minor in the criminal court. The role of Justice".
Polyxeni Tsoulis, Kalamata District Attorney.
"Punishment or education?"
Dimitris Kaunis, Lawyer, Member of the Kalamata Bar Association.
14.10 Optional talk: "The importance of a holistic approach and shared responsibility in juvenile delinquency incidents".
Konstantina Sklavos, Assistant Professor, Department of Social Work, PA.D.A. President of the Gender Equality and Anti-Discrimination Committee (E.I.F.K.D.)
14.30 Completion of the meeting.