"6th Kalamata Air Scout System"
"The 6th Air Scout System of Kalamata" was re-established after 20 years, and today, their facilities are located in the Municipal Railway Park, in one of the carriages in the Skating area. It belongs to the " Hellenic Scouts", the most significant voluntary and educational movement for young people.
The purpose of Scouting is to contribute to the development of young people so that they realise their full physical, intellectual, emotional, social and spiritual potential as individuals, responsible citizens and members of local, national and international communities.
"The 6th System of Air Scouts of Kalamata", through play and life in nature, excursions, activities and camps, enables young people to gain new friendships and powerful experiences. Finally, the uniqueness of the actions and the adventure Scouting offers is aimed at all ages from 7-18 years.